Firefox sćahnyć

Firefox so na Windows 8.1 a staršich hižo njepodpěruje.

Prošu sćehńće Firefox ESR (wersija za rozšěrjenu podpěru), zo byšće Firefox wužiwał.

Firefox so na macOS 10.14 a staršich hižo njepodpěruje.

Prošu sćehńće Firefox ESR (wersija za rozšěrjenu podpěru), zo byšće Firefox wužiwał.

Pokazki priwatnosće Firefox

Přełožujće webstronu z Firefox

One of the best things about the internet is that we can access content worldwide. Whether it’s news articles, blogs, or even a review of your latest tech gadget, you can find it all on the seemingly never-ending web. With Firefox’s latest translation feature, this tool will continuously translate a webpage in real-time.

While other browsers rely on cloud services, the Firefox Translations language models are downloaded on the user’s browser and translations are done locally, so Mozilla doesn’t record what webpages you translate.

Hdyž webstronu přełožujeće, wona priwatna wostawa

When your translations are processed locally, no data from your chosen device leaves your device or relies on cloud services for translation. This means that Mozilla doesn’t know what web page you translate, and makes our translation feature stand out in comparison to other translation tools.

Kotre rěče so tuchwilu podpěruja?

Slědowace rěče so tuchwilu přez přełožowansku funkciju Firefox podpěruja:

  • Български
  • Deutsch
  • Ελληνικά
  • English
  • Español
  • Eesti keel
  • suomi
  • Français
  • magyar
  • Italiano
  • Nederlands
  • Polski
  • Português
  • Русский
  • Slovenščina
  • Türkçe
  • Українська

A dalše rěče su we wuwiću!

Firefox wašu rěč rěči

The Firefox Translations feature is another way Mozilla keeps your internet personalized and more private. Mozilla doesn’t track what webpages you translate. With millions of users worldwide, Mozilla wants to ensure that those who use Firefox are learning, communicating, sharing, and staying informed on their own terms. Get started in your preferred language by downloading Firefox.