Firefox Nightly
Release Notes

Release Notes tell you what’s new in Firefox. As always, we welcome your feedback. You can also file a bug in Bugzilla or see the system requirements of this release.

68.0a1 Firefox Nightly

March 18, 2019

Version 68.0a1, first offered to Nightly channel users on March 18, 2019

Firefox Nightly gets updated every day and as a consequence, the release notes for the Nightly channel are updated continuously to reflect features that have reached sufficient maturity to benefit from community feedback and bug reports.

Warning: Features listed here may or may not make a final release of Firefox.

In addition to these release notes, you can follow ongoing development on our @FirefoxNightly Twitter account as well as read our Nightly Blog.



  • Included Twemoji Mozilla font updated to support Emoji 11.0 🥳

    Bug 1470107
  • Unified existing locales (bn-BD, bn-IN) under a single Bengali (bn) localization.

    Bug 1538733
  • The following unmaintained translations have been removed: Assamese (as), English - South Africa (en-ZA), Maithili (mai), Malayalam (ml), Odia (or). Existing users will be migrated to the British English (en-GB) version.

    Bug 1535299


  • Added about:compat, where website-specific workarounds are listed and may be toggled. These workarounds are meant as temporary fixes for various forms of website breakage for Firefox, while the website fixes them in due time. With about:compat, it is now easy to see all of the workarounds that are active in Firefox, and easy for website developers to disable a given workaround for testing purposes.

    Bug 1539918

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