Sader Mozilla Firefox i Mac

Firefox is no longer supported on Windows 8.1 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

Firefox is no longer supported on macOS 10.14 and below.

Please download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) to use Firefox.

  • Aqdeṛ n tudert tumḍint yezwer.

    Firefox ur yessikid ara ayen tettnadiḍ. Nesseḥbas inagan n tuqqna i k-yeṭṭafaṛen daɣen nettmuddu allal akken ad teṭṭfeḍ isefka-ik gar ifassen-ik.
  • 2x d arurad ugar

    Awi arured d tɣellist. Firefox d arurad deg Mac acku ur neṭṭafaṛ ara tunigin-ik.
  • Asewḥel n yineḍfaṛen

    Ṭṭef gar ifassen-ik ibenk-ik s usewḥel n ugbur. Kkes meṛṛa inagan n tuqqna akked ineḍfaṛen.