Često postavljena pitanja
Koja je politika povrata novca Mozilla VPNa?
The first time you subscribe to Mozilla VPN through Mozilla’s website, if you cancel your account within the first 30 days, you may request a refund and Mozilla will refund your first subscription term.
If you purchased your subscription through in-app purchase from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, your payment is subject to the terms and conditions of the store. You must direct any billing and refund inquiries for such purchases to Apple or Google, as appropriate.
Koje podatke čuva Mozilla VPN?
We adhere strictly to Mozilla’s Data Privacy Principles. We only collect data required to keep Mozilla VPN operational and improve the product over time. We also track campaign and referral data on our mobile app to help Mozilla understand the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. Read more in our Privacy Notice.
Kako mogu upravljati pretplatom i promijeniti tarifu?
Ako već imaš pretplatu na Mozilla VPN, možeš promijeniti tarifu ili upravljati pretplatom bilo kada.