Firefox mboguejy

Firefox ndojokupytyvéima Windows 8.1-pe ha umi itujavéva ndive.

Ikatúrõ, emboguejy Firefox ESR (pytyvõha iñasãiva rehegua) eiporu hag̃ua Firefox.

Firefox ndojokupytyvéima macOS 10.14-pe ha umi itujavéva ndive.

Ikatúrõ, emboguejy Firefox ESR (pytyvõha iñasãiva rehegua) eiporu hag̃ua Firefox.

Firefox Marandu’i Ñemigua

Eiporavo sa’ykuéra Firefox tembiporu mondykyha ndive

There are a lot of reasons you might want to know the exact hex color code of a specific color on a web page — maybe you build webpages or are a graphic designer. The eyedropper tool, in the desktop version of Firefox, lets you find exact hex color codes just by hovering over any color you see on a web page. A click will copy that color value to your clipboard.

Mba’erechaha japyhypyre tembiporu mbosa’yha Firefox-pe ohechaukáva tepykue hexadecimal peteĩ píxel año ñanduti kuatiaroguépe.

Ejuhukuaa michĩmimi “Kundahára rembiporúpe” Tembiporu poravorãme térã “Tembiporuve” tembiporu renda poravorãme Firefox (opávo Firefox rembiporu renda).