Labo hol Firefox Browser aawtoto-ɗaa e ɗemngal maa

Everyone deserves access to the internet — your language should never be a barrier. That’s why — with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world — we make Firefox available in more than 90 languages.

1. Browser: Firefox Nightly Choose a different product

2. Platform: Choose from the list below Heɓ Ballal

Ɓeydu humpito ko yowitii gaafirɗe

  • Gaafirɗe 64-bit

    Choose a 64-bit installer for computers with 64-bit processors, which allow them to allocate more RAM to individual programs — particularly important for games and other demanding applications.

  • Gaafirɗe 32-bit

    Choose a 32-bit installer for computers with 32-bit processors — or for older or less powerful computers. If you aren’t sure whether to choose a 64-bit or 32-bit installer, we recommend you go with 32-bit.

  • Gaafirɗe MSI

    Windows installers for corporate IT that simplify the configuration, deployment and management of the Firefox Browser.

  • ARM64/AArch64 installers

    ARM64/AArch64 installers optimized for Windows and Linux PCs.

3. Language: Choose a platform to continue

4. Download: Choose a platform to continue