Çerni quæ Firefox Browser scaregâ inta teu lengoa

Everyone deserves access to the internet — your language should never be a barrier. That’s why — with the help of dedicated volunteers around the world — we make Firefox available in more than 90 languages.

1. Browser: Firefox Choose a different product

2. Platform: Choose from the list below Fatte agiutâ

Atre informaçion in sci instalatoî

  • Programmi de instaçion a 64-bit

    Piggia 'n istalatô a 64-bit pe-i computer con procesoî a 64-bit, che permetan de alocâ ciù RAM pe ògni programma — questo o l'é ben ben inportante pe-i zeughi e atre aplicaçioin inpegnative.

  • Programmi de instaçion a 32-bit

    Pe computer con procesoî a 32-bit, ciù vegi ò pöco potenti, çerni un programma de instalaçion a 32-bit. Se no t'ê seguo de quæ verscion pigiâ, te consegemmo quella a 32-bit.

  • Programmi de instalaçion MSI

    I instalatoî pe Windows into anbito IT aziendale rendan ciù façile a configuraçion, sviluppo e gestion do Firefox Browser.

  • Programmi de instalaçion ARM64/AArch64

    ARM64/AArch64 installers optimized for Windows and Linux PCs.

3. Language: Choose a platform to continue

4. Download: Choose a platform to continue