You are viewing information archived from on 2015-08-05.

Test Case Description for  User Interface Element

Purpose: Verify sementic information can be provided for user interface objects.

Initial  Conditions:

  1. There are some user interface elements, such as button checkboxes,menus,toolbars,scroll bars,and any other feature of a program that is intended to allow the user to perform some actions.
  2. Have Screen Reader program installed.

  1. Position the mouse over objects: including button checkboxes,menus,toolbars,scroll bars, and any other feature of a program that is intended to allow the user to perform some action.
  2. Run a screen reader .

 Expected Results:
  1. Verify that text must be associated with each element, and the text must identify the element and its current state or condition. Take  button and checkbox as examples:  
    • A button that show a hand for getting more help must have the word "help" associated with the button.
    • If a checkbox is present, a text label must indicate what is being checked, and whether the checkbox is checked or unchecked.                                                             

  2. Verify that all object information is read.