You are viewing information archived from on 2015-08-05.

Test Case Description for  Data Table(2)

Purpose: Verify that the relationship between data and headings in the table is accessible to the assistive technology.

Initial  Conditions:

  1. Have Screen Reader program installed.

  1. View the page with Screen Reader (SR), switch to table navigation mode (alt + T), and navigate through the table cells both up and down the columns and across the rows.

 Expected Results:
  1. SR can speak the table headers.

HTML Source Code:
<th colspan="2" id="winter" >Winter</th>
<th colspan="2" id="summer" >Summer</th>
<th id="am1" >Morning</th>
<th id="pm1" >Afternoon</th>
<th id="am2" >Morning</th>
<th id="pm2" >Afternoon</th>
<td id="Tom" >Tom</td>
<td headers="Tom am1 winter" >9-11</td>
<td headers="Tom pm1 winter" >12-6</td>
<td headers="Tom am2 summer" >7-11</td>
<td headers="Tom pm2 summer" >12-3</td>
<td id="Jerry" >Jerry</td>
<td headers="Jerry am1 winter" >10-11</td>
<td headers="Jerry pm1 winter" >12-6</td>
<td headers="Jerry am2 summer" >9-11</td>
<td headers="Jerry pm2 summer" >12-5</td>
<td id="Mike" >Mike</td>
<td headers="Mike am1 winter" >9-11</td>
<td headers="Mike pm1 winter" >12-6</td>
<td headers="Mike am2 summer" >7-11</td>
<td headers="Mike pm2 summer" >12-3</td>