
< Thunderbird

Thunderbird in the Enterprise, has information about ADMINISTERING Thunderbird in enterprises and medium to large organizations. Topics include deployment, configuration, management, and discussion of important bugs and strategic issues. (For general help on using Thunderbird, see the support site.)

You can help improve your Thunderbird community by:

Release Schedule

News and Discussion

  • In 'tb-enterprise' ADMINISTRATORS can learn what other administrators are doing, and you can help fellow administrators. (see message archive for past discussions)
  • In Planet Thunderbird are Thunderbird team's various blogs. Links to contributors blogs can be found in the right sidebar of the home page if you want to avoid the Planet Mozilla "firehose"!

Enterprise related Key Bugs in Bugzilla

For enterprise related bugs see bug tb-enterprise aka bug 564148, for issues of special importance to enterprises.

To get notices of progress as the bugs are fixed, and as new bugs are added, you should subscribe (Cc) to the meta bug. A meta bug is not for actual 'work' or discussion. Development of solutions occurs in the blocking bugs linked to the meta.
If you want to submit an enterprise related bug, please add "enterprise" bugs to the meta so that they get proper attention, after carefully reading the criteria for blocking [1], [2].


Solutions Providers

We are by definition a collaborative, open source project since inception, therefore solution providers are more than welcome to look at our code and make solutions we would not have developed. We don't have any certification process in place, but you will find a non exhaustive list of solution providers that can complete and/or facilitate your enterprise deployment.

New Wiki page with Solution Providers.


Mozilla Enterprise working Group

If like many other enterprises you are interested in Mozilla beyond Thunderbird, you will probably feel like to follow up what's happening within the Enterprise Working Group: